Michelle Eggan, creates beautiful children's illustrations, has 2 books published, and has been working in the hospital, libraries and local school district, teaching children thru her art :) makes my heart smile!
Pam Braunwarth, Pottery , of Oliver Clay Co. 612-201-8989, BEAUTIFUL pottery, in surprising colors. The one I purchased- bright red, and earth brown. Love it! But, the next one I want is bright celery green... on the inside!
Bernie Saunders, Center for Living Art.
I purchased his book, then went home to read, and started without having my kleenex at the ready. I know now, that that is a must. I can think of many people I would love to give my signed copy to, but feel I MUST be selfish, and keep this for myself. Bernie's photos, are, well, you have to see them- and then you'll never look at a flower the same. The poetry is his mother's and again, you'll never look at things the same.
Peter Sletten- Designer & builder 612-743-6898, woodperfect@hotmail.com he specializes in furniture, cabinets and remodeling, but sells cheese boards, handcrafted rocking chairs, and my favorite- the wooden blocks. These are your typical kids blocks, but only finished, which in a bowl, made a perfect coffee table accessory & the kids PLAYED with them. They are simply wonderful.
Cathy Menssen, cathymenssen@hotmail.com, works with the residents of the Lighthouse in art therapy classes. The residents sold work, and prints of the work, along side the local artists. Cathy has tear-making, uplifting stories of the progress of the residents working in/with the arts. Cathy knows art. She is an artist herself, making ceramic tiles with graphic nature themes, many have been framed beautifully By Pete, (the woodworker mentioned above) so you get a collaborative piece. :) Cathy shows her work in galleries in and around Mpls. They are inspiring pieces!!
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